Team Leader Competency
The Team Leader Competency (TLC) program’s primary focus is to offer project leads or non-supervisory leaders a training opportunity to strengthen their leadership effectiveness and mentorship skills.
Program Objectives
The TLC objectives are to:
- Support professional growth and development in leadership and mentorship skills;
- Offer eLearning curriculum that maximizes participant strengths and targets skills that will improve job performance;
- Provide six targeted leadership eLearning training modules that assure successful integration of leadership knowledge/skills;
- Measure progress towards leadership goals.
Training Design and Topics
The TLC program will offer each participant the opportunity to receive targeted comprehensive leadership training by:
- Offering a TLC orientation class;
- Providing a six module eLearning training experience that includes website links and training videos;
- Supporting students by providing all course materials:
- TLC training manual;
- 6 comprehensive training module handouts and worksheets;
- 5 leadership textbooks.
Typically, students will spend 2-6 hours of guided independent preparation time corresponding to each training module. TLC is a self-paced training program. Students are encouraged to complete one training module per month and complete TLC in six consecutive months.
The TLC instructor will facilitate the scheduling of eLearning logistics and program specific communications.
TLC Curriculum
Module 1 Orientation/Introduction to TLC program
Module 2 Emotional Intelligence
Module 3 Crucial Conversations
Module 4 Accountability That Works
Module 5 Sharpening Negotiation Skills: The Getting To Yes Approach
Module 6 Motivating Staff: Situational Leadership
TLC texts include:
- Leadership From The Inside Out (third edition); Cashman
- SOS Help For Emotions; Clark.
- Crucial Conversations: Tools For Talking When The Stakes are High, Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, Switzler.
- Self-Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Through Situational Self-Leadership; Blanchard, Fowler Hawkins.
- Getting To Yes: Negotiating Without Giving In, Fisher, Ury.
Program cost: available upon request